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User Profile 1
Name: Geri
Age: 45
Goals: Arrange for a pet sitter for her dogs.
She’s busy but wants to feel safe in picking a sitter for her dogs.
Profile: Work-at-home barent, focused on expediency and reliability. Geri wants the ease of finding a reliable and vetted pet sitter while maintaining a robust work/life balance. She works at home with a child and needs to quickly find a pet sitter when travelling needs arise (work/leisure/caring for an aging relative). She is busy and wants to have the pet sitter figured out quickly and reliably.
Technology Habits: Always has her smart phone when not at her desk. Tablet and eReader at night. Comfortable with online reservations and bookings on most devices.
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User Scenario: Geri, a terribly busy work at home mother must plan a pet sitter for an upcoming weekend family getaway. Remembering a neighbor talking about how the Pet Watch 365 app offered quick and reliable results, she decided to investigate it. While making dinner, Geri uses her smart phone to research Pet Watch 365 and is impressed with the number of trained and vetted pet sitters to choose from. Equally impressive are the availability of multiple sitters for her fast-approaching family getaway, and the ease in scheduling the initial in-person interview and meeting of the family dogs.
User Profile 2
Name: Rodney
Age: 25
Goals: Find a reliable pet sitter on a budget for an upcoming work trip.
Profile: Recent college grad that needs to travel for work and seeks a reliable pet sitter quickly and on a realistic budget.
Technology Habits: Will use his laptop at work for most searches and reservations, better connectivity. Adept with his smart phone, not a fan of tablets.
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User Scenario: Rodney, a recent college graduate and apartment dweller, just learned that he must travel to a big conference for work. He needs to quickly find and interview a pet sitter for his bird NomNom, but being young and living on a tight budget he must do this with limited funds. On his lunch break he makes a Google search for quality pet sitters on a budget. Rodney selects Pet Watch 365 because he can fine tune the search criteria to get the best price for an excellent pet sitter. Once he finds a sitter that met his budgetary and availability needs, Rodney gladly confirms the appointment to meet the sitter at his apartment.
User Profile 3
Name: Matilda
Age: 35
Goals: Wants to line up several pet sitter interviews as she has a number of extensive trips planned.
The more secure she feels about the pet sitter then the more excited she will become about her travel plans.
Profile: This is someone who travels 2-3 times a year (leisure). Although she loves travel, she also loves her pets and wants to know that the pet sitter service she chooses will do the job and send regular updates of her furry loved ones. “I really want to enjoy this trip. So, picking the right service/person to watch my pets is critical.” Potential Power User.
Technology Habits: Prefers a larger computer screen to see all the options at once, Matilda will use a desktop PC for deep dive research whenever possible. Although she is very savvy with a laptop, tablet, and smart phone.
Favorite Website & Apps:
Devices owned:
User Scenario: Matilda, an avid and frequent traveler, has several trips planned for the next 3 years. She needs to confidently secure the services of vetted pet sitters that can give daily medication and prescription meals to her cats. Social media and user groups for travelers that Matilda follows offered in-depth and promising reviews of Pet Watch 365. In particular, she’s interested in using Pet Watch 365 because they offer specialty sitters with training in giving medicine (shots and pills) to pets and feeding with dietary restrictions. She starts the interview and research process early because enjoying her time while traveling is supremely important. Being incredibly tech savvy and deeply knowledgeable about the health needs of her pets, Matilda uses Pet Watch 365 to initially select several potential candidates for further scrutiny. In the following days and weeks, she distills her selection down to a group she would like to interview. After clicking Schedule In-Person Interview for each candidate, she grows increasingly relieved and one step closer to making sure her cats are tenderly cared for while she enjoys her well-earned time abroad.